Why was Jonah Hill omitted as a guest host from Monday Night RAW in 2011? Insights into backstage se

Posted by Trudie Dory on Thursday, June 6, 2024

WWE is not new to involving celebrities in their product every now and then, but one who didn't make the cut was actor Jonah Hill. As it turns out, there may have been some issues with the company and the actor.

The 21 Jump Street star was supposed to be a guest on the November 21, 2011, episode of Monday Night RAW in Hershey, Pennsylvania, to promote his movie The Sitter. However, the 39-year-old actor did not appear during the episode.

According to Hall of Famer Mick Foley, the artist was not really a wrestling fan despite his previous claims. Foley revealed that a lot of people disliked working with Jonah Hill and that the movie star even asked his agent to cancel his WWE appearance.

"He's not a wrestling fan. There was a reason why Jonah Hill was advertised as the guest GM, and it never aired. The guys hated working with him. There were some like Hugh Jackman (...) The Muppets, they loved it. Almost everyone was a good experience. Jonah was one that didn't even make the air because he apparently just didn't want to be there, and it showed. I think somebody saw him mouthing to his agent, 'Get me out of here.'"

Another WWE Hall of Famer detailed WWE's negative interaction with Jonah Hill

A number of celebrity guest hosts have appeared in WWE throughout the years. Hugh Jackman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Shaquille O'Neal were just a few of them. Although most of received a good reception from the superstars, Hill may not be one of them.

According to Road Dogg, he had no exact reason as to why the guesting didn't materialize. However, the superstar did state that the company had a "crappy interaction" with the actor.

"I'll give you an example of a real crappy interaction with a celebrity: Jonah Hill (...) came to promote something at Madison Square Garden and they ended up getting hot at him. I think it was 'Monday Night RAW' and Jonah Hill was supposed to be there to promote something. I don't know if there was creative differences, I just know a lot of people talked bad about him after [his appearance on the show] didn't happen."

From the looks of it, the 39-year-old star might just be one of the actors that fans will not see have any interactions with WWE in the near future.

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