Danvers, Massachusetts nurse Paloma Vasquez is facing the internet’s wrath after tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis from a pole. This comes in the backdrop of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. After the controversy went viral online, Northeast Clinical Services released a statement on X to announce that she is no longer their employee.
Trigger Warning: The following article contains antisemitic statements. Reader’s discretion is advised.
On November 10, the non-profit organization Stop Antisemitism took to their official X account to expose Paloma Vasquez for her antisemitic actions. Their tweet read:
“A woman is caught tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis. She blows a kiss to the individual recording her, and keeps stating “have a good one” as she sashays away. Recognize this smug bigot?”In the eleven-second video, an unidentified man sarcastically told Vasquez as she was tearing down the posters- “very nice, thank you.” While blowing a kiss, Vasquez also told the cameraman- “love you, have a good one” as she strutted away.
At the time of writing this article, the video had amassed 1.3 million views.
Paloma Vasquez is a registered nurse
According to her official LinkedIn account, Paloma Vasquez works at Northeast Clinical Services. She described her job as:
“Provide skilled nursing visits to patients at home. The main goals are to help them manage their chronic/ acute illnesses, and assisting them to foster balanced and safe care routines.”Despite the account claiming that she is still a nurse with the organization, the company announced that she was not associated with them anymore.
Prior to joining the healthcare facility, she worked at the Tufts Medical Center, Tempus Unlimited, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
While describing herself, she had added on the website:
“I am committed to improving how my patients experience and interact within the healthcare system, by means of supportive medical companionship, information gathering/sharing, being open to discussions and listening to their concerns.”LinkedIn also revealed that she graduated from Simmons University in 2019.
“Disgraceful”: Netizens put Paloma Vasquez on blast after antisemitic actions
Netizens relentlessly thrashed the nurse on social media. Many hoped that she would be reprimanded for her actions. A few reactions to the video read:
Northeast Clinical Services releases statement after Paloma Vasquez’s video goes viral
After Northeast Clinical Services ended up repeatedly getting tagged under the video, they took to their official X account to address Vasquez’s actions. They said in a tweet that she was “not employed by Northeast Arc.” They also added:
“Northeast Arc strongly stands against all forms of hate including anti-semitism and Islamophobia. We work every day to promote inclusion and ensure the human rights of those we support.”Paloma Vasquez had not addressed the controversy at the time of writing this article.
Stop Antisemitism has been tirelessly exposing people for their antisemitic actions. Recently, Vertex Pharma employee Richard Waygood became the topic of internet after wearing a swastika armband. A video of Chicago Mindful Psychotherapy’s s*x therapist Celine Khalife destroying posters allegedly of kidnapped Israelis also went viral online.
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