Texas mom furious after son's school teachers give him Jim Carrey's 'Dumb and Dumber' haircut

Posted by Trudie Dory on Saturday, April 27, 2024

A mother's love surpasses everything and this particular mother's love emerged as anger as she slammed her son's teachers for giving him a haircut, which she believes looks exactly like Jim Carrey's from the iconic movie 'Dumb and Dumber'.

According to reports, teachers at Hico High School cut off 16-year-old Lane Kiesling's fringe using craft scissors, and left him with a rather ridiculous hairline. So naturally, mother Amy Martin took notice of that and ended up comparing the look with Carrey's character Lloyd Christmas from the 1995 film. In order to establish the gravity of the situation, she also mentioned that her son came home from school in a flood of tears due to the incident.

Martin said, "She made him look like Jim Carry (sic) in 'Dumb or Dumber' but worse." She added: "I called the principal and she had a lot of excuses blaming my son. She said he looked down. There’s no way that explains the awful haircut." The Hico, Texas, resident shared that her son's school teachers had asked her to give Lane a haircut, but she didn't expect them to take matters intp their own hands like this.

In quite an anger-fueled Facebook post, she wrote: "My 16yo son came home from school crying. His principal took him out of class and had a teacher cut his bangs off! They told him he needed a haircut and we tried 3 times and failed for various reasons. It’s not his fault. I could understand a trim to make it so he was within dress code but she cut his bangs off at a choppy angle."

Martin also added that Lane shared that for the rest of the day, his classmates took the opportunity to mock him relentlessly. In Martin's defense, she claims she neither has the money nor a car to drive her son to get his hair done. Luckily, the school principal had offered to pay for a new haircut for Lane, but Martin has already contacted the local police about the ordeal her son went through.

School District Superintendent Jon Hartgraves told KXAS that students are informed the school's dress code quite clearly through a handbook the school provides.

Hartgraves said: "Student expectations are shared at the beginning of every school year. We also ask parents to sign off on our procedures which are based on community value." 

As for Lane, even though he got a new haircut and his hair is all better now, the teenager is still pretty shaken and scarred by the incident, claims his mother. She said: "I know it’s just hair. It grows back. But it’s not like she just gave him a haircut. She hurt his self-esteem. His self-image. That’s the problem."
