Little Dannielyn gets eye surgery

Posted by Elina Uphoff on Thursday, April 25, 2024

Larry Birkhead has confirmed to his best buddies at Entertainment Tonight that his daughter with Anna Nicole Smith, Dannielyn, has undergone surgery to correct an eye condition known as strabismus. The toddler is resting comfortably after the procedure, and I’m sure we will hear a blow-by-blow account of her recovery very soon.

Larry Birkhead says his 17-month-old daughter Dannielynn has undergone eye surgery.

“Dannielynn is home from surgery and resting comfortably,” Birkhead tells Entertainment Tonight.

Birkhead had previously told that he was considering surgery for his daughter, who suffers from strabismus, or the turning in of one of her eyes. The condition is common in about 5 percent of children and cannot be outgrown.

Birkhead and Dannielynn recently returned from the Bahamas, where they paid their respects to Dannielynn’s mother, Anna Nicole Smith, who died a year this month.

[From Us Weekly]

I’m glad that Dannielynn got her eye corrected– the condition was noticeable from the time she was very small and seemed to be getting worse. However, I really hope we don’t hear coverage of her surgery and recovery every night for the next week on ET Insider. I would not be surprised if pimp-daddy Birkhead actually has video of the surgery that he’s holding out for highest bidder. That guy makes me ill.

On a personal note, my younger sister had strabismus as a child, too. Like Dannielyn, she had the surgery, followed by months of physical therapy. Today, she wears glasses, but her eye is not turned.
