League of legends streamer Dantes asked not to attend Streamer Awards citing "complaints"

Posted by Patria Henriques on Sunday, April 21, 2024

League of Legends streamer Dantes has revealed that he was asked not to attend the upcoming Streamer Awards due to complaints about his presence at the event. While streaming Riot's MOBA on stream, he announced that despite being nominated for the Best League of Legends Streamer of the Year award along with the likes of Tyler1 and Caedrel, he will not attend the ceremony.

For those unaware of Dante's history, aka Doaenel, back in 2020, he received heavy backlash for harassing Offline TV member Yvonnie. Subsequent Reddit reactions suggest that he was later asked not to attend that year's Streamer Awards despite the nomination due to the incident.

"Asked not to attend": Twitch streamer Dantes explains why he cannot go to the Streamer Awards despite nomination

While waiting in the queue for a League of Legends match, the streamer opened up about the possibility of him going to LA for the streamer awards on March 11. A brainchild of Twitch streamer QTCinderella, the annual awards show returns for its second year to recognize and celebrate the biggest content creators in the streaming industry.

While there are quite a few types of similar awards shows, including the YouTube Streamy Awards and the Esports Awards, what sets QTCinderella's show apart is that 70% weightage that is given to public votes while determining the winners from each category.

Dantes was one of the four top streamers to be nominated for the League of Legends category and was talking about attending the event on stream while waiting to get into a game. The streamer initially leaned towards not attending but still entertained the possibility of having the option. He stated:

"I didn't think I was gonna go at first, but I thought maybe there might be a possibility that I would."

However, he followed that up by revealing that someone associated with the event had privately contacted him and divulged that they were receiving complaints due to his nomination. The same person apparently asked him not to attend lest it offends more people. He cited the situation:

"But then, someone told me that apparently there were, I guess like, people sending in complaints that I was even nominated in the first place. So, I was asked to not attend.

Dantes, while disappointed, was quite optimistic in his response and appeared to be looking forward to next year's Streamer Awards:

"But, it's okay. There's always next year."

Reddit reacts to the clip

The clip has gained significant traction on social media, especially on r/LivestreamFail, where people opined about him being asked not to attend the ceremony. Here are a few reactions from the subreddit:

Many brought up what had gone down back in 2020 for there to be complaints about his presence at the ceremony.

Valkyrae, HasanAbi, Ludwig, SweetAnita, and Squeex will help QTCinderella host the Streamer Awards on March 11, and voting for all the categories will be open on the official website till then.

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