Jujutsu Kaisen creator Gege Akutami declares when he plans to end the series

Posted by Patria Henriques on Tuesday, April 23, 2024

As per the author's comments in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump #8, Jujutsu Kaisen Mangaka Gege Akutami has revealed that he hopes to finish the manga's story this year.

Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen was first serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump in March 2018, collecting 21 tankobon manga volumes as of December 2022.

The manga got quite popular and was picked up by MAPPA for an anime adaptation, with the anime's first season having released in October 2020, followed by a movie in December 2021. Following this, the series is set to premiere its second season in the summer of 2023.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.

Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga is set to finish this year

With the release of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump #8, the author's comments from the issue have suggested that Mangaka Gege Akutami will finish the manga's story in 2023 itself. This is what the author wrote:

"A Happy New Year. I hope to end the story this year."

Previously, My Hero Academia's Mangaka Kohei Horikoshi had also mentioned the same in Jump Festa 2022. However, he did not follow the same as the manga is still running.

Yuji Itadori, as seen in season 1 opening (Image via MAPPA)

Similarly, Gege Akutami, during his message at the Jump Festa 2023 Jujutsu Kaisen Super Stage, hinted that the series was set to end in 2023. However, given that the message was confusing then, Mangaka's recent author comments in Weekly Shonen Jump #8 confirmed that the story will finish this year.

As for the story itself, there will likely be only three arcs before the manga finishes, including the current arc and two other arcs.

What to expect from Jujutsu Kaisen's final arc?

Ryomen Sukuna, as seen in season 1 (Image via MAPPA)

The final arc of the manga may have a disaster as large or even larger than what happened in Shibuya. Depending on that, Gege Akutami may decide to either add one or two arcs before the manga finishes, as that would seem appropriate given the amount of time left before the year comes to an end.

The final arc will see the conclusion to Ryomen Sukuna's menace as Yuji Itadori may finally be freed from the cursed spirit. Additionally, the final arc could also see the sorcerers unveiling the situation surrounding Kenjaku, as they might finally be able to uncover all his secrets and his end goal. This might lead to a devastating battle in the final arc.

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