Minecraft legend Dream finally uploaded a video of his face reveal. The streamer took to his official YouTube channel and shared what he really looks like so he could meet his online friends. Many noted his uncanny resemblance to fellow internet star Shane Dawson.
In the short video, the streamer attempted to postpone his face reveal in any way he could. He started off by showing his streaming room to his fans, which also included a fold-out green screen. At one point, the YouTuber joked that he could not do the much-awaited face-reveal as his cat Patches got in his chair. He also joked that 100,000 people had to subscribe to his channel prior to him showing his face. Eventually, the blanket came down and the YouTuber simply smiled. He said in the video:
“Hi, my name is Clay, otherwise known as Dream.”The Minecraft streamer announced that his online best friend and fellow YouTuber GerogeNotFound was moving to the United States so he could move in with Dream, Sapnap and another content creator. The Minecraft streamer shared:
“My goal was just to start doing things… get out, meet creators, just say hi to my friends finally. Just get out in the world, be an actual creator, be a person!”The streamer's face reveal led to a deluge of memes online, with many remarking on his resemblance to controversial YouTuber Shane Dawson.
Netizens compare Dream to Shane Dawson
As several internet users were in a frenzy following the face reveal, many could not help but notice that the online personality looked similar to YouTube’s conspiracy theorist and controversial figure Shane Dawson.
Many noted how the streamer looked like a younger version of Dawson. Many joked about how Dawson, who was canceled by the internet in light of his participation in the Jeffree Star-Tati Westbrook scandal, was reincarnated as a Minecraft streamer.
It is safe to say that netizens were shocked by the similarity. A few tweets comparing the two content creators read:
Along with uploading a video to YouTube, the gamer also took to Twitter to post a picture of himself spending time with Sapnap and GeorgeNotFound. Many expectedly were shocked to see Dream without his mask and swooned over him.
Meanwhile, several Twitter hashtags in relation to the streamer's face reveal has taken over the social media platform, with 'Proud of Dream' trending at the highest.
Everything to know about Dream’s face reveal and its significance
The 23-year-old made the announcement of his face reveal on September 22. News of the same was quick to spread like wildfire across social media platforms. Netizens were thrilled to see the online personality do a face reveal and see the man behind the popular YouTube channel.
Not only has the streamer swiftly taken over the internet with his latest video, fellow YouTubers and critics noted that the face reveal would open several opportunities for him. Content creator JoblessGarrett shared:
“Opens up so many cool things for Dream to do outside of gaming.”Similarly, MrBeast immediately invited the Minecraft streamer to appear without his mask in his videos.
With TwitchCon happening soon, fans expect to see the Minecraft streamer without his mask. The event would be the highlight of the fest following his recent face reveal.
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