Valorant's primary focus as a tactical shooter has remained constant through all the changes the game has gone through. Despite having Agent abilities to add complexity and make the gameplay more fun, your primary focus must be on aiming. To assist in this process, you need to find the best possible in-game settings, which can be quite a task considering the number of options available in the settings menu of Valorant.
However, with several skillful athletes gracing the world of Valorant esports, you have a ton of pro talent you can look up to. Adopting these players' in-game settings and configurations can be the first step in finding your ideal Valorant settings.
Kelden “Boostio” Pupello is a professional Valorant player for Evil Geniuses. He is also the team's in-game leader (IGL). Since he is the shot caller for the team, he might not show up atop the leaderboard every time, but he is always on his toes, noticing everything that is happening in the game. This article contains all the settings used by Boostio in-game.
Valorant settings and peripherals used by Evil Genius' Boostio in 2023
The following sections contain the crosshair settings, video configurations, and graphics settings Boostio uses in Valorant. You can also find the peripherals like mouse, keyboard, headset, and so on used by him in official matches here.
Note: This data has been procured from
Mouse settings
- DPI: 800
- Sensitivity: 0.27
- eDPI: 216
- Zoom Sensitivity: 1
- Hz: 1000
- Windows Sensitivity: 6
- Raw Input Buffer: On
- Color: White
- Crosshair Color: #FFFFFF
- Outlines: On
- Outline Opacity: 1
- Outline Thickness: 1
- Center Dot: Off
Inner Lines
- Show Inner Lines: On
- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 2
- Inner Line Thickness: 1
- Inner Line Offset: 3
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
Outer lines
- Show Outer Lines: Off
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
- Walk: L-Shift
- Crouch: L-Ctrl
- Jump: Space Bar
- Use Object: F
- Equip Primary Weapon: 1
- Equip Secondary Weapon: 2
- Equip Melee Weapon: 3
- Equip Spike: 4
- Use/Equip Ability 1: Mouse Button 4
- Use/Equip Ability 2: Q
- Use/Equip Ability 3: E
- Use/Equip Ability Ultimate: X
- Rotate: Fixed
- Fixed Orientation: Based On the Side
- Keep Player Centered: Off
- Minimap Size: 0.8
- Minimap Zoom: 0.8
- Minimap Vision Cones: On
- Show Map Region Names: Never
Video settings
- Resolution: 1920x1080
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Aspect Ratio Method: Fill
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
Graphics quality
- Multithreaded Rendering: On
- Material Quality: Low
- Texture Quality: Low
- Detail Quality: Low
- UI Quality: Low
- Vignette: Off
- VSync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: None
- Anisotropic Filtering: 1x
- Improve Clarity: Off
- Experimental Sharpening: Off
- Bloom: Off
- Distortion: Off
- Cast Shadows: Off
- Enemy Highlight Color: Unknown
- Monitor: LG ULTRAGEAR 27GN750-B
- Mouse: ZOWIE EC3-C
- Keyboard: Vortex Pok3r RGB
- Headset: HyperX Cloud II
- Mousepad: HyperX Fury S Pro
While Boostio is primarily a Killjoy main, he also plays Astra for his team when the occasion calls for it. If you believe your playstyle is similar to his, take his settings from here, tweak them to fit your specific needs, and start dominating your ranked games.
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