All Diablo 4 Druid Legendary Aspects & Powers

Posted by Valentine Belue on Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Aspect NameCategoryAspect PowerDungeonRegionAspect of Cyclonic ForceDefensiveCyclone Armor also provides Physical Damage Reduction. In addition, Cyclone Armor will also be applied to all Nearby Allies.Collapsed VaultKehjistanAspect of Mending StoneDefensiveThe duration of the Earthen Bulwark is increased by 6 seconds. In addition, killing an enemy with Earth Skills replenishes X of your active Earthen Bulwark's barrier.Sealed ArchivesDry SteppesSkinwalker's AspectDefensiveWhen you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain X Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as FortifyFading EchoKehjistanStalking Beast AspectDefensiveGain Stealth for 2 seconds when killing enemies with Shred. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants Ambush which guarantees Critical Strikes for 1.0 seconds.Anica's ClaimFractured PeaksVigorous AspectDefensiveGain 10.0% Damage Reduction while Shapeshifted into a Werewolf.TBDHawezarCrashstone AspectOffensiveEarth Skills deal x40% more Critical Strike damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.TBDScosglenNighthowler's AspectOffensiveBlood Howl increases Critical Strike Chance by 5.0%. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds.Forbidden CityFractured PeaksOvercharged AspectOffensiveLucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance when dealing Lightning damage to overload the target for 3 seconds, causing any direct damage you deal to them to pulse X additional damage to surrounding enemies.Mariner's RefugeScosglenAspect of the Rampaging WerebeastOffensiveThe duration of Grizzly Rage is increased by 1 second. In addition, Critical Strikes, while Grizzly Rage is active, increase your Critical Strike Damage by 10% for the duration.Endless GatesHawezarAspect of RetaliationOffensiveYour Core Skills deal up to x20% increased damage based on your percent Fortified Health.Seaside DescentDry SteppesShepherd's AspectOffensiveCore Skills deal an additional 6.0% damage for each active Companion.Bloodsoaked CragDry SteppesAspect of the TempestOffensiveHurricane damage is increased by x7.0% each second while active.Blind BurrowsHawezarAspect of the Ursine HorrorOffensivePulverize is now also an Earth Skill. After casting Pulverize, tectonic spikes continue to deal X damage over 2 seconds.Belfry ZakaraHawezarAspect of the Changeling's DebtResourceWerebear Skills restore 1.0 Spirit when you hit enemies afflicted by your Poisons. When Spirit is restored, your Poison effects are removed from the enemy.ConclaveKehjistanMangled AspectResourceGain 1 Spirit when you are struck as a Werebear.Immortal EmanationFractured PeaksStorm Beast's AspectResourceLucky Hit: Storm Skills have up to a 15% chance to grant 10 Spirit.
Your base Storm Skills are now also Werewolf Skills.TBDDry SteppesAspect of the UnsatiatedResourceAfter killing an enemy with Shred, your next Werewolf Skill generates x20% more Spirit and deals x20% increased damage.Tormented RuinsFractured PeaksBallistic AspectUtilityWhen you have Fortified Life your Earth Skills gain +3.Whispering PinesScosglenAspect of QuicksandUtilityDamage from Earth Skills Slow enemies hit by 25% for 5 seconds.Feral's DenScosglenStormshifter's AspectUtilityWhile Hurricane is active, gain +3 to your Shapeshifting Skills.TBDKehjistanAspect of Metamorphic StoneOffensive Boulder is now a Core Skill and costs xx Spirit to cast dealing xx% of normal damage.Drop N/AAspect of Natural BalanceOffensive Casting a Storm Skill grants your Earth Skills xx1%x Critical Strike Damage for xx seconds. Casting an Earth Skill increases the Critical Strike Chance of Storm Skills by xx%+ for xx seconds.Drop N/AAspect of Nature's SavageryOffensive Werewolf Skills function as Storm Skills and Werebear Skills function as Earth Skills for the Nature's Fury Key Passive.Drop N/AAspect of The AftershockOffensive Landslide's earth pillars each strike a second time and deal an additional xx% bonus damage per hit.Drop N/AAspect of the AlphaOffensive Your Wolf Companions are now Werewolf Companions. Werewolf Companions deal xx%+ additional damage and can spread Rabies.Drop N/AAspect of the Blurred BeastOffensive While dashing, Shred seeks out Nearby Poisoned enemies instantly dealing xx% of the Poisoning damage to them.Drop N/AAspect of the Calm BreezeResource Lucky Hit: Wind Shear has up to an xx% chance to fully restore your Spirit.Grinning LabyrinthDry SteppesAspect of the Dark HowlUtility Debilitating Roar is now a Werewolf Skill. In addition, Debilitating roars will Immobilize Poisoned enemies for xx seconds.Drop N/AAspect of the StampedeOffensive Gain 1 additional Companion. In addition, your Companion Skills deal xx%x bonus damage.Drop N/AAspect of the Trampled EarthOffensive Trample now summons xx Landslide pillars of the earth during its duration that deal xx% normal damage. Trample is now also a Nature Magic and Earth Skill.Drop N/AAspect of the WildrageOffensive Your Companions gain the bonuses from the Bestial Rampage Key Passive.Drop N/ABalanced AspectResource Increase your Maximum Spirit by xx and Spirit Generation by xx%x while Grizzly Rage is active.Drop N/ADire Wolf's AspectOffensive Grizzly Rage now shapeshifts you into a Dire Werewolf. As a Dire Werewolf you gain xx%+ Movement Speed instead of Damage Reduction and a xx% Spirit cost reduction bonus. In addition, kills Heal you for xx% of your Maximum Life.Drop N/AEarthguard AspectDefensive Gain xx% bonus amount to your next Earthen Bulwark for each enemy you Crowd Control up to a maximum of xx%.Drop N/ALightning Dancer's AspectOffensive Lightning Storm Critical Strikes spawn xx Dancing Bolts that seek enemies in the area dealing xx Lightning damage.Drop N/AMighty Storm's AspectOffensive The Earthen Might Key Passive also applies to your Storm Skills.Drop N/ARuneworker's Conduit AspectOffensive Critical Strikes with Storm Skills charge the air around you for xx seconds causing a Lightning Strike to periodically hit an enemy in the area for xx Lightning damage. This duration can be extended by additional Critical Strikes.Drop N/ASeismic-shift AspectOffensive Earth Spike launches spikes in a line and has a xx second Cooldown.Drop N/AShockwave AspectOffensive Pulverize creates a shockwave that travels forward, dealing xx% of its damage to targets in the path.Drop N/AStormchaser's AspectOffensive Critical Strikes with Shred deal xx% of the damage dealt as Lightning damage to the target and surrounding enemies.Drop N/AStormclaw's AspectOffensiveWhile Hurricane is active, gain +xx Ranks to your Shapeshifting Skills.Anica's ClaimFractured PeaksSymbiotic AspectUtility  When the Nature's Fury Key Passive triggers a free Skill, your non-Ultimate Cooldowns of the opposite type are reduced by xx seconds.DropN/A
